Play Group (2-3 years)

Sunrays public school aims to provide high-quality care and education for children and a secure foundation for learning in an encouraging and nurturing an environment where there is an equality of opportunity and support for all and where staff and parents work in a close relationship.

Miss Michelle MacGilpin
Preschool Lead Teacher

These aims are promoted through-

  • PERSONAL, SOCIAL, AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT, freedom to initiate activities and make choices.
  • Development of self- discipline and self-motivation.
  • Valuing each child as a unique individual with special skills and abilities.
  • Making relationships.
  • Enjoyment in learning through play and structured activities.
  • Using snack time in order to promote awareness of healthy practices in hygiene and eating’
  • To provide a child-friendly environment that is safe, secure, caring and stimulating.
  • To regularly observe and plan for each child’s progress.
  • Supporting children’s imagination and creativity.


Everyday a wide choice of activities is offered giving the children an opportunity to explore indoors e.g-toys, musical instruments,puzzles and Outdoors e.g-play dough, water play and ride on toys.

  • Story time
  • Water play
  • Celebration of festivals and special days.
  • Building communication skills.
  • Music, Games, and Dance activities.
  • Craft activity.

  • 13 Oct
  • All day
Halloween Bash Lorem ipsum
Year 6 pupils are invited to join us for a Taster Day on either Thursday 19th or Sunday 22nd.

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